Indicator name | Test method | Norm according to TU | Standard value |
Visual appearance, colour | Visually | The liquid is dark red to black in colour | Conforms |
Density at 20°С kg/m3, at least (estimated) | GOST 3900 | 820 | 891 |
Solubility / miscibility with petroleum product | According to TU p.5.4. | Full | Conforms |
Solubility/miscibility with water | According to TU p.5.5. | Not soluble | Conforms |
Water, % wt. | GOST 2477 | Less than 0,2 | No |
Solidification temperature, °С | GOST | Below -10 | -20 |
BRAVOS Color Red
Concentrated petroleum soluble dyes for different types of light distillates. Allows fuel colour correction, marking and distinguishing between batches of fuel. Does not contain metals and does not increase ash content. Dosage range from 30 to 150 g/t.